How would I make a NPC drive an A-chassis car

I need help figuring this out, help is very appreciated.

Try this:

-- Assuming you have an NPC and a car model with A-Chassis in your game
local NPC = game.Workspace.NPC -- Replace 'NPC' with the actual reference to your NPC
local Car = game.Workspace.Car -- Replace 'Car' with the actual reference to your A-Chassis car
local Path = game.Workspace.Path -- Replace 'Path' with the actual reference to your path

-- Function to make the NPC drive the car
local function DriveCar()
    while true do
        -- Assuming you have a function to find the nearest point on the path
        local targetPoint = FindNearestPointOnPath(NPC.Position, Path)
        -- Calculate the direction to the target point
        local direction = (targetPoint - NPC.Position).unit
        -- Make the NPC move towards the target point
        -- Assuming the NPC should get into the car when it's close enough
        if (NPC.Position - Car.Position).Magnitude < 5 then
            -- Assuming you have a function to make the NPC enter the car
            break -- Exit the loop when the NPC is in the car
        wait(0.5) -- Adjust the wait time to control the NPC's movement speed

-- Start the NPC driving behavior