How would i make a npc not collide with anything?

I understand there is collision groups, However i do not understand it what so ever.

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What do you mean by “not collide with anything”? You could make a collision group that doesn’t collide with the default collision group but that means it’ll fall through the baseplate.

Yes by collide with anything i mean collide with absolutely nothing, I am using raycasting to keep it above.

this is a example of the problem. But to make it easier id rather it collide with nothing.

I see, you can make a collision group and add it to the group like so:

local physicsService = game:GetService('PhysicsService')

physicsService:CreateCollisionGroup('NPCs') -- the NPC collision group
-- we don't have to define a collision group for the workspace since the default one already exists, it's called "Default"

physicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable('NPCs', 'Default', false) -- set the NPCs collision group to not collide with the default collision group
physicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable('NPCs', 'NPCs', false) -- set the NPCs collision group to not collide with other NPCs

local function setNPCCollisionGroup(npc: Model) -- this function will take an NPC and add all of its BasePart descendants to the NPCs collision group
    for i,v in ipairs(npc:GetDescendants()) do
        if not v:IsA('BasePart') then
        physicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(v, 'NPCs')

local newNPC = serverStorage:FindFirstChild('NPC'):Clone()
setNPCCollisionGroup(newNPC) -- now with our new NPC, call the function to set all of its descendants to the NPCs collision group

Think of collision groups’ “collidability” in a grid pattern, each collision group either can or cannot collide with another collision group.

Default NPCs

“Default” can collide with “Default”
“Default” cannot collide with “NPCs”
“NPCs” cannot collide with “NPCs”


I appreciate your time for helping me, I have fixed the issue, Thanks!

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