How would i make a part attached to a sphere not change its rotation when the sphere spins?

title pretty much explains it, i’ve been trying some stuff but the part simply just rotates with the sphere and gets it stuck most times
diagram for reference:

when the sphere rolls, this is the expectation:

(sphere rolls, but the parts orientation stays the same as it moves with the sphere)

(sphere spins, but the part follows its rotation and ultimately slams onto the ground)
i have these two parts welded together so i’m not sure if that would help, but i also have animations to these so i can’t change it without scripts (i think?) otherwise it could mess up all the keyframes
sorry in advance if this has been asked before

The issue here, I believe, is that it’s welded together, meaning it’ll keep the same orientation.
If you instead use a different physics constraint (ballsocket constraint or hinge constraint might be useful in this situation), it would keep the position without rotating.

tried both hinge and ballsocket constraints; the part doesn’t seem to be welded as it falls and it doesn’t appear in the animation
no errors in the hinge/ballsocket constraints either, attachments at the same position
if it helps, here’s what it looks like:

the other model is there to make circular movements in the animation smooth. i’ve put the hinge constraints in that middle part because replacing the motor6ds will cause it to be removed from the rig/animation