I am currently working on my own plane system, but when experimenting with others (And my own) I notice that while the plane is in motion, it would leave the player behind and fly away without them if they were to jump out of the seat. Is there any way to fix this and to make the plane and player act as one?
Is this for an aeroplane or the other kind of plane? Because I would really love to get an idea of how the second kind could be made (As it would also be useful for the aeroplane example as well).
The player would either get pulled along by the plane in the air or would fall streight down to the ground
I’ll be back in a few hours. Iv gotta go.
Idea: plane doesn’t move, the map around it moves. This would appear clientsided to the players that are on a plane, while the clients that are doing something else (like waiting at an airport terminal) see the plane move/fly on their client.
Not sure if this is practical though, might look really funky for people on the plane looking through the windows; maybe just don’t put windows on the plane.
So in reality, the plane never leaves the terminal?
The terminal leaves the plane
Off topic, isn’t this how the ships in Futurama work?
On topic, this is legitimately a good idea as long as you fix any of the visual issues like the windows problem.
I don’t think it would work, and if it would it wouldn’t be very practical. Is there a way that you can “join” the plane and player together so that, in terms of physics, they act as one?
EDIT: I also don’t think removing windows would be very good. We are trying to make this game as realistic as possible and moving around while flying is one of those things we need.
In away, You can make this just work with BodyGyro, BodyForce, and BodyThrust to act as one and make the user move around as the actual object…
I’ll give it ago.
It’ll be better off to test it than to Let it broadly pass by without an effort
I was just hoping there was an easy line of code I could do with the PhysicsService of something.