How would i make a rain effect?

I want to make a rain effect in storms, so i would use Touched and TouchEnded to activate it. The only thing is, is that it sets the fog effect for every player in the server I used a LocalScript but that did not even run. How would i do that?


Without more info I can’t say for certain. Local scripts though only have a few valid places they can run. As a descendant of your character or a descendant of your player. A common mistake is trying to put a localscript in workspace. It won’t run there. You can however put a script in workspace and set it’s runcontext to client which effectively makes it a local script that can run in workspace.

The LocalScript was a child of the actual rainshaft (this is a storm chasing game by the way, events are basically isolated) I also heard streamingenabled does something but im not sure

You might need to use a ‘script’ with the ‘runcontext’ property set to ‘client’