I’m trying to make a respawn timer for when a player resets their character. When you click the reset button, A BillboardGui would show above the characters head with a timer, Games that have this are Maple County & Emergency Response: Liberty County. Wondering if somebody could help me get started.
You can use StarterGui:SetCore() to do it
something like
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local timerRemote = nil -- a remote event so the timer replicates to the server, add it here
local callback = Instance.new("BindableEvent") -- since reset button callback has to be a bindable event
local attempts = 3
local success, result
success, result = pcall(StarterGui.SetCore, StarterGui, "ResetButtonCallback", callback)
if not success then
attempts -= 1
print("Failed to set reset callback:", result)
until attempts == 0 or success