How would i make a script detect if a player is in a chair or not

Just wondering how to make a script detect if a player is sitting in a chair so yeah
(Also i gotta go to bed for the night so i wont be responding)

In Humanoid there is a value called SeatPart.
It will tell you what the character is sitting on.

If empty, the player is standing.

In the Humanoid instance there is a property called Sit. If true, then the player is sitting (Be warned though, as seats are not the only type of part that allows the player to sit. Scripts can manually make the player sit so this method isn’t that efficient if you have parts that make the character sit.)

Depends. If you just wanna know that the player is sitting then you can check a humanoid’s sit property. If it is a specific seat you wanna know who’s sitting in it you can detect it from the occupant property of the seat (where occupant == nil is no one).