How would I make a smooth follow camera?

Hello! I am working on a game.

Right now the camera is isometric but I need it to smoothily follow the camera when you move the character.

I’ve found a few posts about this but I don’t know where to start or how to do it.

The only one I found: Smooth Camera Movement? How

It goes into how it’s actually done and i’ve kinda got it working but, idk what the Part should be etc.

For example:
I do not know what the part should be. (In line 4)

When I tried it I set the part to the head but then it just glitches out and moves even if your still, it’s not very smooth.

And I’m aiming for the Game to be Isometric and not being able to move the camera with the right mouse button. And it just doesn’t work with that script.


Instead of updating the CFrame, use the TweenService so the camera will move to that position in x amount of time. This will make it appear smoother rather than just teleporting to the position.

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