How would I make a SpotLight follow the players mouse?

I read this post and can’t seem to figure it out. I don’t feel like they showed the solution well for others to look at in the future, or maybe I am just dumb and can’t figure it out.

I created a Attachment with a SpotLight in the HumanoidRootPart and I have zero clue how to make it go to the mouses position?

I know that I have to use RunService to make it smooth or something? I am so lost

Someone help and explain this please. and i plan to make it F to toggle

This is all I got right now.

ServerScript inside ServerScriptService named "CreateFlashlight"

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer



	local playerChar = player.Character

	local FlashAttachment ="Attachment")
	FlashAttachment.Parent = playerChar.HumanoidRootPart
	FlashAttachment.Name = "FlashlightAttachment"
	FlashAttachment.Position =, 1.55, -1.5)

	local FlashSpotLight ="SpotLight")
	FlashSpotLight.Parent = FlashAttachment
	FlashSpotLight.Angle = 72
	FlashSpotLight.Brightness = 2.42
	FlashSpotLight.Range = 21
	FlashSpotLight.Color = Color3.fromRGB(253,255,203)
	FlashSpotLight.Shadows = true

	print("Created Flashlight Instance for "..playerChar.Name)