How would I make a status effect system using "ECS-lua" module?

Recently I’ve been wanting to make a status effect system, I searched what would be a nice way and I stumbled upon a post saying “ECS-lua” would be a great way…

Now, I don’t really know if it is, but it sounded interesting, I looked at the GitHub and searched trying to figure out how it’s used, but I couldn’t

I’ve always had trouble using modules but this one is by far the hardest

My current idea is a simple status effect that gives the player higher movespeed for a certain amount of time

Can anyone give me a hand?

PD: if there’s easier ways to make a status effect system please let me know

Edit: I’ve been researching about something called OOP but I’m not sure it works for what I’m trying to do

Solution: Do not use ECS-lua module.

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