How would I make a swimming mechanic like in Flood Escape 2? What would I use to do it?

How would I make a swimming mechanic like in Flood Escape 2?

Flood Escape 2: HALLOWEEN! Flood Escape 2 🌊 - Roblox

In Flood Escape 2, when you’re swimming, it’s not like the default swimming that roblox gives you, it’s more like you’re floating when you’re entering water. Also, the water is a part.

How would I go about making the character float?(I’m extremely new to body force. Like, never used it before new). And what part would I put the body force to? Or, do I use something else in order to make the swimming work. And how would I go about making the animations work? When you dive down while moving, your character isn’t pointed directly downward, it’s more slanted downward, but when you dive down without any extra movement, you nosedive.

How would I make any of this work? The answers I’m sort of expecting here is like: “Use body force!” or, “Learn (insert answer)!”

Thanks! :smile:


I haven’t done this before, but here’s a method which I would try:

  • Custom water (just a transparent non-collidable part)
  • A detection part, overlaps the water, a bit shorter than the water so it doesn’t detect early (Detects if the player is in the water)
  • Swimming animation to be used while the player is moving
  • Floating animation to be used while the player isn’t moving
  • Local script which changes the gravity for the buoyancy effect
  • Vertical rotation and movement which is relative to the camera

Then I realized this is in scripting category and animating