I want to make a tool that can spawn a projectile that flies towards your mouse position when you click only problem is that im a scripting noob and dont know how i would make projectiles like that so yeah
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yeah pretty much like that tbh im trying to make a bow and arrow but i also kinda want phyiscs for it so like it has drop as id it were affected by gravity
Well try figuring that out.
use the bullet drop equation
well i mean i sorta kinda cant figure it out thats why i consulted the forum
You could have just done a google search, but I gave you a resource above which tells you how to use the bullet drop equation to simulate gravity.
alright then ill try to see what i can do
I’m not sure he needs it that realistic he just specified bullet drop, which can use the formula
local Velocity = v.Velocity - (Vector3.new(0,Gravity,0) * v.ElapsedTime)
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oof sorry i suck sometimes and over think.