How would I make a waterslide work with CFRAMEs / another method?

Hi, so I’m trying to make a waterslide simmilar to the ones in Waterpark World by Den_S.

The slides work like this
(Den_S if the 0.00000001 chance you read this, you are the god of theme park systems in ROBLOX lmfao)

I assume this is done with cframing and slides that have invisible parts to mark the track for the cframe, but I don’t really know how to make a cframe system that follows parts. I mean I know I could maybe make the system have a part at the start named 0 and a part at the end named 1 to mark start/end but I wouldn’t know how to make a cframe system even follow that!

So if you know how I could make this and reccomend some ways to learn a method of this, please reply. Also if you believe an easier method would be without cframes (still works the same) lemme know

You could try using Bézier curves to map out your path and move the player along it: Bézier Curves

You could also try just like putting an invisible ball at the top of the slide and letting it roll, all the while setting the character’s position to the ball’s.

You could also kindly ask @Den_S for the gist of it, I think they’re on the forum.

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Thanks, I didn’t know how to tag people. LOL
Also for the slides I found the NWSpaceKCoasterPlugin works great for studio slide designing!