Hi, so I’m trying to make a waterslide simmilar to the ones in Waterpark World by Den_S.
The slides work like this https://gyazo.com/a1e3dc613341090db139db9be171e89e
(Den_S if the 0.00000001 chance you read this, you are the god of theme park systems in ROBLOX lmfao)
I assume this is done with cframing and slides that have invisible parts to mark the track for the cframe, but I don’t really know how to make a cframe system that follows parts. I mean I know I could maybe make the system have a part at the start named 0 and a part at the end named 1 to mark start/end but I wouldn’t know how to make a cframe system even follow that!
So if you know how I could make this and reccomend some ways to learn a method of this, please reply. Also if you believe an easier method would be without cframes (still works the same) lemme know