How would I make a wobbly antenna?

Hello there. For the past day, I have been trying to make a wobbly antenna. My approach to this is to have multiple parts splitted into chunks, and then add ball socket constraints to create and restrict the movement. I was able to achieve the bending of the antenna, but then I had no idea on how I could get the antenna to go back up. Here is a GIF of what I have so far:

I tried using springs and torsion springs in-between the chunks, but it would just glitch out of control every time I moved it, and I still do not know what parameters would be fit best for this type of situation. If someone could assist me in my problem, that would be awesome. Thank you for your time and help.

(Testing place below)
TorsionalSpring.rbxl (27.4 KB)


Using the roblox physics system could add a lot of lag and be detrimental to performance, needing to simulate all those parts, and additionally it probably wouldn’t look too good, being split up into small cylinders. I really recommend looking into skinned meshes / mesh deformation, as the bone system that comes with them seems like it’d be perfect for this.

Springs can be very messy with the physics system from experience, but if you take the time to fine-tune the values, they can work very well.

As for a physics implementation, I think one way to add “stiffness” to your antenna column would be to attach a spring to the topmost section at the very end of the antenna, with an attachment above the antenna parented to the chassis to make sure it always points “up” relative to the vehicle.
Here’s a picture of what I’m suggesting:

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