How would I make a system (similar to GRPs) in order to detect when a player goes AFK? I have tried to using player.idle, but that takes far longer then what I am trying to achieve.
GRPs system:
Any help is very much appreciated!
How would I make a system (similar to GRPs) in order to detect when a player goes AFK? I have tried to using player.idle, but that takes far longer then what I am trying to achieve.
GRPs system:
Any help is very much appreciated!
Make a local script and put this in it:
local userinputservice = game:GetService("UserInputService")
print("not afk")
instead of printing it you could maybe fire a remote event that makes it so you can get a afk thing ontop of ur head
Many players, including myself have the window focused while being AFK. I think a better solution would be to use UserInputService.InputBegan and UserInputService.WindowFocused together.
Thanks a ton! I’ve somehow never heard of WindowFocused before, which goes shows I don’t read the API documentation clearly enough. Thanks for the help!
make sure to check the solution under my post and yeah you also could use input began and check if the user hasnt pressed a button in like idk 60 seconds
That seems like a good idea- however I’m just going for something simple right now. I’ll be sure to try that out in the future!