How would I make an egg hatching system?

Hi, so I would like to create an advanced egg hatching system like in simulators now-days. I tried out Alvin Blox’s egg hatching system but it doesn’t have all the functionalities that I need like triple hatch shiny and etc. I tried learning more about it but I just found nothing :confused:

Here is an example of what I want to accomplish:

Can you guys pls lead me a hand? All help will be appreciated :smiley:


What do you mean by Triple Hatch Shiny?

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oh sry i meant triple hatch and shiny, shiny would be you know pet crafting :slight_smile:

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So, like you could sometimes get 1 pet and sometimes get 2 pets?

not quite more like when you have a lot of the same pet you can group them and craft a stronger one

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Oh! Like in Adopt me, you fully grow 4 pets and it makes a neon?

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yea pretty much like that one :slight_smile:

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Ok, let me assist you with that! :slight_smile:

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all right thx for helping me :slight_smile:

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Make a separate Station, open a GUI on Touched of the Station. Then on the GUI, list all of the pets and let the User select the pets they want to strengthen, then, get a

local Percent = math.random(1,5)
Pet.Strength.Value = Percent

So, yes, this is an example. It may not work with your game, if you want a script that does, please go to #collaboration:recruitment to find someone to assist you with that! Hope I helped! :slight_smile:

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I mean hire a developer to Make a script that is compatible with your game.

I don’t really have the Robux to hire a dev, so I will need to figure it out my self but thx for your help :slight_smile:

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Well, try to do this

When the player earns the Cash, send the Remote Event with the value from a Number Value so, you can adjust it! :slight_smile:

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I mean I dont have a pet hatching system right now wich means the pet dosent follow you and also I dont have an inventory to equip the pets :confused:

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So I was trying to get some help in the devforum because there is almost no tutorials about this topic.


Ok i think i can help! So first thing we want to do is make a folder for the pets you can get.image
Next thing you want to do is make a folder for the decals. This is purely for looks but it will help!
Now you want to make a gui and name it like i did

What you want to do now is put the pets you have made inside of the folder. This will be my pet image
Now what you want to do is put the pet in your folder.image
Now what you want to do is make a string value with the same name as the pet. image
Now upload your image and copy the url image

Then set the string value to the image url like so.image

Ok now we need to make sure the client cant rig what pet they are going to get so we are going to make a remote event!


Now you want to insert a script into serverscriptservice called PetServer image

Now we will script the serverside of the pets.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local PetClient = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“PetClient”)

local Items = {“EpicPet”, “EpicPet2”}

local PetRandom = math.random(1, #Items)

for i, v in pairs(Items) do
	if i == PetRandom then
		PetClient:FireClient(Player, v, game.ServerStorage.Decals:FindFirstChild(v).Value)


Now just make a local script inside of the gui. image

Now here is the code for the gui:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local PetClient = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“PetClient”)


PetClient.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(PetName, DecalId)
script.Parent.ImageLabel.Image = DecalId

script.Parent.Parent.Enabled = false

if you are having trouble i made an open source for you to toy around with: Untitled Game - Roblox


for future refrence however dont ask for entire scripts to be made.


dont worry I know how hard it is to make a system like this, you arleady gived me a really good head start thanks for spending time to help me :smiley:


could you mark me as the solution lol


I will once I get trough the tutorial you gave me :slight_smile: