some examples like an enemy could do like a shooting attack, or some lunge attack
ive been looking and i could not find a single bit of help, or tutorial or resource to making something like that,
i have so many game ideas that need this and i just do not know how
i would really appreciate some help on this sort of stuff,
Generally, you’re not going to be able to execute many of the game ideas you have to the ability you want for a while, assuming you started recently. I know that from experience.
If you wanna make an AI I suggest you check out the ForbiddenAPI as it includes a pathfinding module which is extremly helpful in making an AI, although eventually I suggest you learn how to make an AI without it because it will teach you quite a bit.
Additionaly make sure you went through a roblox coding course like the one TheDevKing offers as you’re going to need to know how to script and do it well. (Do not skip certain videos like I did the time saved is not worth it)
Then you need to practice there is a lot you need to learn about the engine that you can’t learn in tutorials, and the only way to do that is through practice and experience. Try taking ideas from things you want to add such as a lunging AI actually wouldn’t be that hard to do if you make it basic. Look at how to make a zombie AI with forbidden API, or just learn how to make a zombie AI by its self which is you want to use forbidden or not it’s up to you, then try setting the velocity of its humanoidrootpart to shoot forward towards the player when ever the enemy is to far away to attack.
In conclusion, practice makes perfect, learn the basics first and then learn as you go.
Also, some advice, tutorials are nice and all but when you are making something make sure you understand the code in the tutorial and what it does line by line as otherwise you will not learn.
I’m not sure if this is helpful or not but I hope it is.
this is very helpful advice. thanks
Practice, practice, practice atleast a little bit a day