Hello everyone seeing this, I want to make my sway system look around / similar to the one in the video below.
Vid: (Not mine)
This is my current sway system:
vm.HRP.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
local mouseDelta = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta()
swaySpring:shove(Vector3.new(-mouseDelta.X / 500, mouseDelta.Y / 200, 0) )
local updatedSwayS = swaySpring:update(dt)
local rot = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.LookVector
vm.HRP.CFrame *= CFrame.new(updatedSwayS.X, updatedSwayS.Y, 0)
This system utilizes this spring module: (Not mine)
-- Constants
local ITERATIONS = 8
-- Module
local SPRING = {}
-- Functions
function SPRING.new(self, mass, force, damping, speed)
local spring = {
Target = Vector3.new();
Position = Vector3.new();
Velocity = Vector3.new();
Mass = mass or 5;
Force = force or 50;
Damping = damping or 4;
Speed = speed or 4;
function spring.getstats(self)
return self.Mass, self.Force, self.Damping, self.Speed
function spring.changestats(self, mass, force, damping, speed)
self.Mass = mass or self.Mass
self.Force = force or self.Force
self.Damping = damping or self.Damping
self.Speed = speed or self.Speed
function spring.shove(self, force)
local x, y, z = force.X, force.Y, force.Z
if x ~= x or x == math.huge or x == -math.huge then
x = 0
if y ~= y or y == math.huge or y == -math.huge then
y = 0
if z ~= z or z == math.huge or z == -math.huge then
z = 0
self.Velocity = self.Velocity + Vector3.new(x, y, z)
function spring.update(self, dt)
local scaledDeltaTime = dt * self.Speed / ITERATIONS
for i = 1, ITERATIONS do
local iterationForce= self.Target - self.Position
local acceleration = (iterationForce * self.Force) / self.Mass
acceleration = acceleration - self.Velocity * self.Damping
self.Velocity = self.Velocity + acceleration * scaledDeltaTime
self.Position = self.Position + self.Velocity * scaledDeltaTime
return self.Position
return spring
-- Return
return SPRING
If anybody knows how I can do this it would be massive help! Thanks in advance!