How would I make displayed text become "Text" property of a surface GUI textbox?

I don’t understand how would I make “Text” property change when there has been an edit on the Text box. For example, I want the property to become the same text that is displayed for the player after he is done making an input inside of textbox. I found out about GetPropertChangedSignal() but I still I don’t quite understand if there is an actual property for displayed text.


Just setting TextLabel.Text to TextBox.Text should work.

Code snippet:

local TextBox = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextBox")
local TextLabel = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextLabel")

local function changeText()
	TextLabel.Text = TextBox.Text



That is not really what I am trying to achieve, I was wondering if it is possible to do without using extra labels.

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So sorry, I really don’t understand.
What are you trying to do?

Edit: Ohh like replace TextBox.Text with some placeholder text after it’s not being typed in anymore?

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Like this?

local TextBox = script.Parent

	TextBox.Text = "I love you Peng <3"

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Well yeah, but I don’t want the text to be premade, I want to put the text that the player has put in textbox. If I am not wrong, on server side the text property does not change when player has interacted with text box, but on client side it does. So I was wondering if it was possible to change the property straight on server side without remote events.

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Not placeholder text. Lets say I have a textbox, it has a “5” as a text property set through studio. When trying in game to change the text to “10”, “10” is displayed, and on client side the text property is changed to “10”, but on server side it does not, and the property is still “5”.

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Sorry but not to my knowledge.

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you can just use a remoteevent to send info other to the sever that just has the text in it basicly

local Box = script.Parent
local TextEvent = game:Getservice("Replicated storage").TextEvent

local function SendTextToSever()


this should work

– edit don’t spam alot of remote events if you do that use unreliable remote events


I guess there really is no way to do what I am trying to achieve without remote events. That is quite sad

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well if the sever can’t see the changes made on the client then the easy and simplest way to commentate between the client the sever is using a remote event or a unreliable remote even

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adding to others have said

you can use the TextBox.FocusLost property if you want to send the remote once the player presses enter or when he leaves the text box

you should also add a limit on the client on how much the sent text can be to prevent the clients from sending very long strings and server checks for the string length before replicating it to other clients

and if the text is going to become very long you can use the
buffer library when sending the string

Edit: unreliable remotes are not good for this because well they are unreliable


Oh I know the rest of things that you just said, and don’t worry, I will not let the string be bigger than 3 characters.


I am having slight issues:

local players = game.Players
local player = players.LocalPlayer

local textBox = script.Parent
local text = textBox.ContentText

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.GetTextZ

local function SendText()



local textBox = script.Parent

local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.GetTextZ

local function changeText(player, text)
	textBox.Text = text


Sadly it does not work. Both scripts are inside of the textBox.

with :Connect you have to call the function by reference which can be done by removing the ( )


instead of


also change the function to this

local function SendText()

because the text variable will not change if content text is changed

Ill try that, and then answer back in a few minutes

Didn’t help still.

I guess that the server script is in StarterGui
maybe try changing the server script run context to “Server” ?

Unfortunately, did not work either. Before it was legacy, by the way.

I don’t really know how to fix this issue, someone else may see this topic and try to help