my goal:
#1 how can I get this data from a website
#2 how can I Convert the lat and long into a 3d position on a ball
#1 how can I get this data from a website
#2 how can I Convert the lat and long into a 3d position on a ball
mb i didnt delete all the text
There’s not many great databases on this topic for free. I did manage to find one with around 150K though. Geonames - All Cities with a population > 1000 — Opendatasoft
EDIT: I’ll put this file on one of my old sites later to make it easier for you
As for plotting them on a ball-
local PointOnSphere = function(Center:Vector3, Radius:number, lat, lon)
-- convert coords to radians
lat = math.rad(lat);
lon = math.rad(lon);
-- calc position
local x = (Radius) * math.cos(lat) * math.cos(lon);
local y = (Radius) * math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lon);
local z = (Radius) * math.sin(lat);
-- return pos
return (Center +, y, z));
local sphereCenter =; -- center of the ball
local radius = 50; -- radius of the ball (half the width)
-- lon and lat, for example las vegas is located at these coords below.
local latitude = 36.17497;
local longitude = -115.13722;
-- create a part
local part ="Part", workspace);
part.Anchored = true;
part.Size =;
part.Position = PointOnSphere(sphereCenter, radius, latitude, longitude);
For the second task the following equations should help:
--The inputs of math.rad are in degrees
local lat, long = math.rad(0), math.rad(0)
local R = math.min(sphere.Size.X, sphere.Size.Y, sphere.Size.Z)/2
local x = math.cos(lat)*math.cos(long)
local y = math.cos(lat)*math.sin(long)
local z = math.sin(lat)
local pos = R*, y, z)+sphere.Position --maybe /2 is needed for position
print(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)
Here is the file (86MB) of 150k towns/cities. @v287_1
Note that itll be deleted in around 5 days, so back it up somewhere if you need it.
Not guaranteed that this’ll work- it is 86mb after all…
and whatever you do, DO NOT PRINT THIS TO THE OUTPUT.
Tysm this helps alot the city database is very useful
but the city loading is a bit off and i wanna know how to make them rotate so they dont look werid
Current code
this is kinda cool i can imagine this used as a selection menu to put in the city you represent. Then you could implement city based leaderboards like in MLBB, yk what I might just do that for my game
I’m trying to make a copy of this and I’m getting the same issue, I’m looking into it and if I find a solution I’ll edit this post