How would I make grass a single layer

Hi, Im doing a map generation thing. The blocks types are based of what height it reaches, however this can cause some problems

How would I make the grass a single layer?

local function GetBlockType(Height,QuartzPercentage,MulchPercentage)
	local blockType = nil

	if Height >= 48  then
		blockType = partClass.Grass
	elseif Height <= 25 then
		blockType = partClass.Rock

		if QuartzPercentage == 1 then
			blockType = partClass.Quartz
		blockType = partClass.Dirt
		if MulchPercentage == 1 then
			blockType = partClass.Mulch

	return blockType

You could use raycasts to see if there is a block above the current block and if there is then spawn dirt else grass.

How would i check if there isnt something above the block?

When you raycast, you need to check if you had a result, if not, then theres nothing above.

if not raycastResult then
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Hi, for some reason this does this

i dont know what im doing wrong

					local origin = dirt.Position
					local direction = (dirt.Position +,2556,0)) - dirt.Position

					local raycast = workspace:Raycast(origin,direction,params)
					if raycast then
						local distance = (origin - raycast.Position).Magnitude
						local inst = raycast.Instance
						if inst:IsA('BasePart') then
							if inst.Name == 'Dirt' or inst.Name == 'Mulch' then
					elseif not raycast then
						local grass = partClass.Grass.Part:Clone()
						grass.Position = dirt.Position +,grid,0)
						grass.Orientation = dirt.Orientation
						grass.Parent = workspace.Map[grass.Name]

Why are you adding dirt.Position in direction!? Stop that. Direction is a vector not a point. Do:

Direction =,10,0)

I kinda got it working butttt

Hm… why not just make a ray or if you are using a table then use that to see if the block down is a grass block or no, if it is then return.

sorry what do you mean by this?

Basically just see if the block below is grass or not.

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