How would I make it so that the players camera in first person is on their head

I am trying to make a script where when the camera is in first person inside of a vehicle seat then the camera is inside their head, normally it is way above that, I tried using the humanoid but that didn’t work. So then I tried using the torso and that didn’t work either. The chassis I am using for the vehicle is A-Chassis

	if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") then
		Torso.Anchored = true
		workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame =, Torso.Position-TorsoLookVector)*,0,10)

As @anon63380570 said when you are zoomed out it looks something like this:

But when you are zoomed in all the way (in first person basically) it looks something like this:
In a nutshell what I am trying to do is so that the camera is inside of the vehicle, not outside

visible confusion
plz explain properly i dont understand a thing

No I want to make it so that the camera is inside their head not significantly higher than the head

When they are inside a vehicle

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This is literally just a double-sentence

Just set it’s CFrame to the Head's Position, I’m pretty sure I don’t follow either? OR you could change the CameraOffset to, 3 0) inside the Humanoid

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He is referring to when you’re in a vehicle and you zoom all the way in to try and be in first person, the camera sits above the player instead of in the player’s head.

Zoomed out:

Zoomed all the way in:


ohhh i think i know what u sayin
if the player is in first person un-lock them from first person and then add camera off-set on the positive Y value

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Strange question but uh, how would I go about unlocking them from first person

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set camera mode to Classic StarterPlayer.CameraMode (

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic

Oh, understood, although how do I change the Y value on it, I searched the website and couldnt find any information?

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heres the camera off-set for you Humanoid.CameraOffset ( note this is a property of Humanoid its also a vector value

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This doesnt seem to work, my script -

	if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") then
		if player.CameraMode == Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then
			player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
			humanoid.CameraOffset =, -50, 0)

what does it look like now camera???

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whats going wrong? whats not working?

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it doesnt do anything, i think the chassis camera may be changing it?

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i’ll check the chassis scripts

visible confusion :thinking:

There is a really easy solution with no scripting. Go to starter character scripts or something like that, change the max view to 0.05. It will lock on the head

isnt that going to make it so that you cant zoom out

nope! I have done it before, so it will most likely work.