What do you want to achieve? So when the player Chats, the bubblechat gets deleted.
What is the issue? I don’t know how
What solutions have you tried so far? I looked on the developer hub, but I can’t find anything.
local module = {}
plr.Chatted:Connect(function(chat, isPriv)
if isPriv then
-- I don't know what to put here to make the BubbleChat dissapear
return module
No but I want it when somebody is private chatting, the BubbleChat gets deleted. Meaning that when they private chat, the bubblechat dosent appear. But, when their not private chatting, then it appears.
I could try what you said and it’ll activate the bubblechat, but I don’t know…
Yeah I also know how to use it, but what I’m wondering is when the player private chats how do I make their BubbleChat dissapear, but, when their not chatting, it appears
I tested a bit and found out that you can toggle the BubbleChatEnabled feature whilst in game. You might be able to use LocalScripts to make the bubble chats appear only for the sender and the recipient.