How would i make multiple zombies spawn when a part is touched, and removed when the player is died

I don’t know how to script multiple zombies spawning on touch, then removing them once the player has died. Help would be appriciated!

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Use a .Touched event to detect when a part is touched - have your zombies in ReplicatedStorage and call a function when the .Touched event is fired which clones the zombies in ReplicatedStorage and parents it to workspace (make sure you position them where you want to when you clone them).

For the removing part, you could detect if the player has died on the client through a local script by using Humanoid.Died and firing a remote event to the server that looks for the zombies in workspace and then destroys them if found.


im confused could you explain a bit more please?

Could you tell me which parts were confusing? I’ll expand on what you didn’t understand.

The “.touched” bit was confusing

I think it would be better if the zombies were in server storage and cloned from there to workspace

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local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Part = workspace.Part -- whatever part you want to trigger the event
local ZombieSpawn = workspace.ZombieSpawn -- whatever part you want to have as your zombie spawn (make sure cancollide is false)
local Zombies = ReplicatedStorage.Zombies -- whatever your zombies are called in replicated storage (make sure its a model of the zombies together)

Part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- if the part is touched
	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- check if its a player
		local SpawnZombies = Zombies:Clone() -- clone the zombies
		SpawnZombies.Parent = workspace -- place it in workspace
		SpawnZombies.Position = ZombieSpawn.Position -- position them where your zombie spawn is

Instead of thinking of it as spawning, think of it logically and in steps.

  • Detect when the part is touched using .Touched
  • Connect that event to a function to be able to run steps and procedures to do what we want
  • If whatever touched the part is a player, we proceed
  • We want to make a clone of the zombies instead of just moving them from our storage, that way we can keep re-using them
  • After making a clone, we want to place it in the workspace where our game world exists
  • Then, we want to position the zombies exactly where we want to so they can become a part of the game

In this context, yeah! Thanks!

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i tested it, the script works
the only issue is
it spawns a lot of zombies at once and crashed my roblox studio
any work around like a wait function?

Make a debounce/cooldown, or delete the part after spawning the zombies (if you want it to work only once)

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the script doesnt work if i want to teleport the players as you can see, it teleports the players, then i walk on the touch part but it doesnt spawn the zombies.

the script:

> local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
> local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
> local Part =  Lighting.Maps.RainyCombat.TexturePart -- whatever part you want to trigger the event
> local ZombieSpawn = workspace.RCSpawner -- whatever part you want to have as your zombie spawn (make sure cancollide is false)
> local Zombies = ReplicatedStorage.RCZombies -- whatever your zombies are called in replicated storage (make sure its a model of the zombies together)
> Part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- if the part is touched
> 	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- check if its a player
> 		local SpawnZombies = Zombies:Clone() math.random(1,6) -- randomises the amount of zombies spawning in
> 		SpawnZombies.Parent = workspace -- parents them to workspace
> 		print("RC's zombies spawned in") -- outputs if they spawned in
> 		SpawnZombies.Position = ZombieSpawn.Position
> 	end
> end)

i added some extra bits, by the way.
do i have to leave those parts in the workspace
thanks btw!

--> Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

--> Objects
local Part = workspace.Part
local ZombieSpawn = workspace.Spawn
local Zombies = ReplicatedStorage.Zombies:GetChildren()

--> Variables
local db = false

--> Code
	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and db == false then
		db = true
		local howMany = math.random(1, #Zombies) -- generate a random number between 1 and the total amount of zombies 
		for i = 1, howMany do -- use that number and loop through the zombies howMany number of times to spawn that amount of zombies
			local spawnZombies = Zombies[i]:Clone() -- for this you can even just have Zombies[1]:Clone() instead of Zombies[i]:Clone(), they're all the same zombies anyway
			spawnZombies.Parent = workspace
			spawnZombies:MoveTo(ZombieSpawn.Position) -- we're using moveTo because we're positioning a model. if you use the other method we used earlier the zombies will spawn in a weird place or their behavior will become weird

db = false

thanks very much for your help
i realised its a script not a local script :pensive:
also how would u make it spawn only one zombie?