How would I make my knife spin so it looks right?

So I have a knife that when players through, it spins. The problem is that when a player throws in a direction such as right, it starts spinning in a weird way. I want it to always spin towards the blade. How can I do this? My code:

	Knife.CFrame = Knife.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.pi/8,0,0)
until done or not Knife or not Knife.Parent

If anyone has an answer to this, it is apprecited. The Knife variable in the handle of the knife. This script does work, so its not broken.


Can you provide a gif or a video please?

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Can you provide a little more details and information?

You might wanna use knife’s look vector in that case.

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Maybe if you do it with tweenservice

That is what I want to do, but can’t figure out how to incorporate it.

It just spins like horizontally instead of towards the knife blade.

Change the axis of rotation then?

Perhaps try, Angles(0, angle, 0) or Angles(0, 0, angle).

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It works like that in some directions, but not in others. If I changed it, it would work in some directions either way.

Can you show a gif/video of the problem? I don’t quite understand.