How would I make my own custom hotbar + invetory

So i’m trying to make a custom hotbar and inventory rn. I’m planning on making it like deepwoken. You can drag the slots around from your inventroy to your hotbar and vice versa. You just drag the stuff into position. However, I am unsure of where to start, how to make the slots draggable, how to sort them, etc. Any tutorials or guides or advice will help. I want to make it so that a slot can also be bindable to an action. Ex: instead of equiping a tool, you can do an ability.

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Here’s a rough outline:

You should use a module for the backpack updating, binding tools and abilities to clicks and keycodes, and the rest of it. You should use an init function to update the backpack on joining.

Use a LocalScript to manage input, and send that input to the module, where it can handle the bound tools/actions.

Use a UIGridLayout and make a basic item template. The module should clone this template and put it under the grid layout’s influence.

You can use a DragDetector to detect the tools being dragged.

You will need to disable the default Roblox backpack UI.
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)

I hope this helps, I don’t know any tutorials for it, I’m just basing this off of mine.


The hardest part for me is the dragging part.
I want it so that when you drag it, you can swap slots (hotbar AND invetory) or when you let go, it detects where it is and checks if there is a slot it can go into. Do you have any specific code/advice? I found this tutorial but I’m not sure how to implement it.

ur dragdtector looks like another possiblity but I personally don’t really like it

Sorry, I’ve not really got an idea on how to make the drag system apart from DragDetectors. Good luck, though!