How would I make my timer more accurate?

Is there a way to make this timer more accurate?
Its printing in hours,minutes and seconds.

local start = tick()
local ending = tick()+3700

local finish = ending-start

local transfer1 = finish/3600
local hours= math.floor(finish/3600)
local transfertoseconds = math.floor((transfer1-hours)*3600)

local time1 = transfertoseconds/60
local minutes = math.floor(transfertoseconds/60)
local seconds = math.floor((time1-minutes)*60)

print(hours.." Hours "..minutes.." Minutes and "..seconds.." Seconds")

example: 100001 = 27 Hours 46 Minutes and 0 Seconds

Could you explain what you mean by accurate? Do you want more digits such as milliseconds, or are you looking for better options to wait due to the extra time it spends yielding threads?

Well thought there would be a better way doing this thing above ^.

This question has mostly been answered on another thread; check it out here.

The post by FieryEvent uses string.format and is only 3 (well 1) lines to convert to HMS!

I was thinking of sth like that before, but then I thought math.floor is good too , but yeah that solution is 1000x better bc it isn’t destroying 1 second| using math.floor made no sense anyway- oof