How would I make part, that if you touch your head comes off

You forgot the first two lines of the script I sent you.

Make sure you’re not rushing, work on the basics, you seem like you could grasp a bit more basics before trying to do something like this.

I’m not that smart. I’m also kind of blind. Lol

Don’t say that! It just takes time, scripting is challenging!


Also, do you have any idea how to turn it into a axe?

You would have to build one or get a mesh.

Every time I make an axe out of it, it doesn’t do dmg to the dummy I’m doing it to.

Make the blade part the part the script references.

What does that mean “Make the blade part the part the script references.”

The part that .Touched connects to should be the part of the axe that hits the player.

Screenie of what I have:

I fixed the end) and it still didn’t work. But I am using the kill part as my handle