Hello! I am currently trying to make a part, that if you touch your head comes off, and I’m going to put that part on a axe. I’m not the best at scripting though, I’m still trying to learn. I think I have an idea, But I don’t know. Here is what I have:
if Object.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
(I don’t know how to find the head yet.)
That’s as far as I got. If you could help me, that would be great.
Once you get Object.Parent (The character), simply add this line of code:
After the if statement, you have the character, which contains a head. Destroying that head will maek the head pop off and kill you. However, it might not give you the animation you desire.
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if Object.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Head”):Destroy()
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Almost! Keep the code you have, just put it in the if statement.
if Object.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
local character = Object.Parent
local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head")
Yes, this should be a server script.
If you destroy the head, the character will die.
I’m assuming that’s OP’s goal.
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Yes, I want the player to die. I’m trying to make a theatre but I’m gonna have a weapon stash in it.
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Got it, the code given should work then!
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You need to declare the value of the part. So I would do
local Part = game.Workspace.Part
The value after game.Workspace should be the name of the part
I thought about that, I really did, but oh well.
Wait, how do I make only the head come off? Would I weld them together?
When a player dies, their parts fall like that, I would look into a ragdoll model script or research how to make one yourself.
Do you know any good ones, if so can you tell me?
This should work, it’s from my game, Noir.
local character = script.Parent
character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").BreakJointsOnDeath = false
local died
died = character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()
local d = character:GetDescendants()
for i=1,#d do
local desc = d[i]
if desc:IsA("Motor6D") then
local socket = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")
local part0 = desc.Part0
local joint_name = desc.Name
local attachment0 = desc.Parent:FindFirstChild(joint_name.."Attachment") or desc.Parent:FindFirstChild(joint_name.."RigAttachment")
local attachment1 = part0:FindFirstChild(joint_name.."Attachment") or part0:FindFirstChild(joint_name.."RigAttachment")
if attachment0 and attachment1 then
socket.Attachment0, socket.Attachment1 = attachment0, attachment1
socket.Parent = desc.Parent
elseif desc:IsA("Script") or desc:IsA("LocalScript") then
Make it a serverscript inside startercharacterscripts.
Where is the server script. I can’t find it, I thought I heard of it before
The one called “Script” is a server script.
It just runs on the server
Oh, heh, should have just said Script, I’m not that smart.
Well, now you know! If that works, be sure to mark the solution so readers know it’s been solved!