How would I make realistic bird flight physics?

Right now my current flight script is super basic and has nothing to it. How would I be able to increase the realism of this, maybe add gliding, air resistance and stuff like that? A guide would be a nice since I want to learn this kind of stuff.

Edit; I am aware of the math involved.

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You could start by looking into the drag equation:

Fd = 0.5*p*(v^2)*Cd*A

-- Fd - the force of drag
-- p - density of the medium you're flying though (in your case, air)
-- v - speed of the body (technically this is relative to the medium, but the surrounding air will likely be static unless you add wind or something)
-- Cd = Drag Coefficient
-- A = Area as the cross section which is perpendicular to the direction of flight

This represent a force felt by a free-body. You would then want to convert this into an acceleration which you can then apply to the current velocity of the body. There’s a lot of ways you could simplify this or even just spoof it by making the behavior seem like it is following an equation like this.

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So how could I implement this into my code?

Ah ok, so this makes alot more sense, I read a previous post about drag and it was very confusing