I want to have a part in my game bounce you back a bit if you touch it. How would this be accomplished?
Change the elasticity of the thing you are trying to make bouncy.
How do I change that? Is it a property?
You can edit it inside the properties. Inside the properties there should be CustomPhysicalProperties you can edit the elasticity.
So would I just crank it up a lot and that would make it bouncy?
i figured it out myself
using raycast and velocity thanks to everybody here who tried to help me
edit: So a scripted Anchored, bouncing item.
Tween the CFrame of the item, and use EasingStyle | Roblox Creator Documentation to make the “bounce” realistic, sharp at the bottom, but gradually slowing down as it moves up and accelerating when it falls down again.
You can experiment around with it. But I’m not sure what type of bouncy you are wanting. How are you wanting it to work?
So basically it’s like Wipeout. I have these blue cylinders that will spin you around to try and push you off. At the moment, it really doesn’t serve as a threat if you touch it, so I was thinking of making it bounce you back so you fall off the platform making it more of a threat to the player.
Ohh your wanting more of a trampoline type thing to the player. I thought you were wanting the part to be bouncy like a bouncy ball. Correct me if I’m wrong.
local goal = {}
goal.Position = Vector3.new(50, 10, 0)
local part = Script.Parent
local TweenService = game:GetService("tweenservice")
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(10, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, goal)
Yeah that’s what I’m looking for. Something that bounces you back when it comes in contact with you.
basically you have to create your own bounce cycle that is an example:
You can set the HumanoidJumpHeight to however you want the height to go. And once the player comes in contact with the bouncy part you edit the HumanoidJumpHeight, and you set the jumping to true. Once that is executed return the HumanoidJumpHeight to the original value and set jumping to false.
I think I might’ve been a bit too broad on what I was asking. Here’s a video of the level and a picture of what I want to acheive:
robloxapp-20230211-2051024.wmv (1.4 MB)
Ignore the horrible art