I’m attempting to do a function in which clones a UI to show up for everyone if an Administrator connects to their server, but I don’t acknowledge on how to make them stackable. What methods should I use for this? For instance, an Administrator connects, the frame gets cloned for all, but if 2 joins at the same time, I don’t want them to overlap and want it stackable, so the earliest Administrator moves to the top whilst the newer one is at the bottom.
-- this is basically what I'm doing, but I don't acknowledge on how to make them stackable
local toMention = {121227196, 218620226}
if table.find(toMention, plr.UserId) then
local content, isReady = plrs:GetUserThumbnailAsync(plr.UserId, thumbType, thumbSize)
local clone = frame:Clone()
clone.Name = "UserNotification-"..plr.Name
for _, i in pairs(plrs:GetChildren()) do
clone.Parent = i.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("OnJoinUi").MainFrame
local frameUser = clone.Username
local framePfp = clone.ProfilePicture
frameUser.Text = plr.Name
framePfp.Image = content