This may seem like a easy thing, which is true but I’m not sure how to really implement it in. I already have the ability to save and load the current outfit which is fine. But the problem in my head occurs is if I want to load and use a outfit I like. Here’s what the data is stored as:
Here’s my main-customize script if that helps…
DataStore Script
--// Service //--
local RP = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ST = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
--// Modules//--
local DataStore2 = require(1936396537)
local DatasFolder = script:FindFirstChild("DSFolder")
local Setup_PlayerData = require(script:FindFirstChild("SetupPlayerData"))
--// Variables //--
local DefaultVsFolder = DatasFolder:FindFirstChild("DefaultValues")
local DefaultValues = {Data_Player = {}}
--// Functions //--
function plrAdded(Player)
for Index,Player in next,Players:GetPlayers() do
If you need any of the other-scripts let me know. There is one that requests to customise and one that applies the customised request. I’m mainly unsure on how to approach this type of thing.