How would I make the character move in the direction it's facing and not in the direction the camera is facing?

Animations aren’t finished

I’m making this game, and I’m having trouble with character movement. It moves in the direction the camera is facing, but the camera looks at the map at an angle, so the character goes off the map if I just walk straight. I want the character to walk in the direction it’s facing and not in the direction the camera is facing. Is there any way to do this besides for disabling wasd controls and making a custom movement system?

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edit playermodule > controllermodule or wherever it detects WASD /ARROWS to constantly move at where the humanoids lookat is instead of the cameras direction.

i don’t know how you would do this for joystick/console though unless theirs a way to detect the joysticks 360 input and split half and half for backwards and forwards


Use the LookVector of the player’s HumanoidRootPart. Misread question.

Note: You should lock the player to one axis. One way to do this is to put a BodyPosition in the player with a huge MaxForce on the axis you want to lock it to. For example, I locked the player to X = 4 in the picture.
