How would I make the children of a GUI fade as they get near the end of the frame

My title probably doesn’t explain it well so I’ll try to explain it better here:
I have a Frame in which I have several text labels that I want to get more transparent as they get closer to the end bound of the frame on the Y Axis. Like this:
Is there a UI____ object that I can edit to achieve this effect? Is there a script I can use?


You can get the textlabel.Position.Y.Scale and set that to the transparency

You can probably use a tween to make it smoother

I’m using a UIListLayout and cannot grab the Position of the elements because it is locked at 0 and the ListLayout doesn’t update it. How would I do it this way?

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I do not know much about UiListLayouts so I don’t think I can be of use.

You can replace the Frame with a fully background transparent CanvasGroup, then use a white UIGradient on the canvas group and change its transparency to a sequence you like

this is my UIGradient transparency setting

here is the result

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Despite the age of the post i appreciate this use of the Canvas! i’m pretty sure it’s relatively new, i don’t remember it being a thing at the time of this post but thanks for the solution!

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