so basically i have a npc that points to the nearest player, and i don’t know how to make it appear to have recoil when it fires
like for the recoil i just want the hand to move up then down and back up
video of the npc pointing at player
and here’s a video of me trying to simulate what kinda want
Are you using while loop to check if any player is near the npc?
i mean its sorta like a while loop?
Then you would probably want to add A debounce checking if the npc has fired the gun then increasing it’s X axis to about 45 degrees, or something like that.
im not sure if i can increase the x axis, because depending on its position it might be different
and here’s my script btw
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local run = game:GetService("RunService")
local guards = {}
local function findClosestPlayer(position)
local closestPlayer
local closeDistance = 25
for _, player in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
local distnace = player:DistanceFromCharacter(position)
if distnace < closeDistance then
closeDistance = distnace
closestPlayer = player
return closestPlayer
for index, guard in ipairs(guards) do
local player = findClosestPlayer(guards[index]["guard"].Position)
if player then
guards[index]["attach"].WorldCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(guards[index]["attach"].WorldPosition, player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
guards[index]["attach"].CFrame = guards[index]["resetCF"]
module = function(index, guard)
local amongus = guard.PrimaryPart
guards[index] = {amongus}
guards[index]["guard"] = amongus
guards[index]["attach"] = amongus:FindFirstChild("attach")
guards[index]["resetCF"] = guards[index]["attach"].CFrame
--attach.WorldCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(attach.WorldPosition,,part.Position.Y,part.Position.Z))
return module
You can still add it just create a debounce to stop the npc looking at the player.
yeah but how do i make it go up, im using attachments to control the hand
and im using aligned position and aligned orientation