So I want to make a simple game (for Example a Battle Royal) where the last player alive wins. So far ive looked every where and nothing. Would I use teams and some how get the players on that team? Please help me. Thanks
One thing that you could do is to have a table with the participants. Each time someone dies, remove them from the table.
Have you atleast made a start? There is loads of tutorials on youtube! Dont just come to the DevForum asking people to make stuff for you.
Yes they dont work Ive looked on youtube google and on here my way dosesent work while changing it
plus i never said write for me i said i need help
You can get the number of players in a team using Team:GetPlayers()
after that all you’ve got to do is iterate, preferably in ipairs, through every player and see what the health of each player’s humanoid is, if it = 0 then it means the player’s dead, else the player’s alive.
pseudo code :
local teams = game:GetService("Teams"):GetTeams()
for _, team in ipairs(teams) do
local players = team:GetPlayers()
--// check whether the player is alive for a team
It says NIL to find Humanoid what am I doing wrong
You could use the WaitForChild
function to wait until the humanoid exists. One thing I suggest is to use the Humanoid.Died
event to detect when the Humanoid dies.
Ive tryed useing that event once but for some reason when I use it it dosesnt work
local players = team:GetPlayers()
returns a table of players
You would have to loop through that again to listen in for their died event and then you could set their team and disconnect the event
for _,plr in ipairs(players) do
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- Waiting for players character.
local humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") -- just incase it's named something else
-- They are valid.
if humanoid then
local x;
x = humanoid.Died:Connect(function()
-- The player just died.
plr.Team = game.Teams.Lobby -- setting their team.
x:Disconnect() -- cleaning up the event.
I have not actually tested this script, but it should work for the most part if anyone else has anything to add that’d be great
local players = team:GetPlayers() where are you getting team from just so I learn?
From the loop you wrote above.
the local players is Nil says the output then it ends the script
as I said before you still need to keep your loop for the teams
and then you can nest that loop within it
for _, team in ipairs(teams) do
local players = team:GetPlayers()
-- put the player loop in here
It still says Local players is a NIL value
Yes just what my script showed earlier, but that’s not the problem.
Try using :WaitForChild() to prevent an instance from being indexed before instantiating, as that could throw errors.
Try to check for whether the player or character even exists before trying to index Humanoid or you’ll be indexing with nil.
You are looping the teams, not the players. When team:GetPlayers() returns, you have to loop through that table.
for _,team in pairs(teams) do
local Players = team:GetPlayers()
for _,plr in pairs(Players) do
local c = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = c:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local x
x = Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()
plr.Team = game.Teams.Lobby