How would i make the walk direction be attached to the root and not the Camera?

I’ve been trying to pull off this script, where you hold Q to look behind you
Thing is, the character’s movement still follows the camera when you look behind, and i’m trying to make him keep walking the same direction.

You can modify how the movement direction is calculated in the core modules
Run the game once and copy the module named PlayerModule under StarterPlayerScripts

Go into ControlModule inside PlayerModule
inside the function ControlModule:calculateRawMoveVector() at line 427 there should be the CFrame that is used to calculate the new movement direction

local cameraCFrame = camera.CFrame

Add this below

local cameraCFrame = camera.CFrame
if humanoid.RootPart then
	cameraCFrame = humanoid.RootPart.CFrame

This makes it so when the RootPart exists, it calculates the movement direction relative to the RootPart instead of the Camera