So… I am trying to make animation server script for a NPC that will have the same idle animations as a player would. I am familiar with running 1 animation on a npc with AnimationController but not with 2 or more.
So far I have a folder with a string value named “idle”, with 3 animations as children, and each animation with a number value named “Weight”… kinda like how Roblox’s Animate Script is set up.
Ive also tried putting the roblox animate script as a Server Script with all the children values and deleted the “Emote chat hook” section of the script. It kinda worked except my NPC was just in the falling animation state the whole time. Also, the humanoid root part couldnt be anchored or welded to a “holder” part so I gave on that and tried making my own.
Anyways, heres the script I manage to put together… kinda just wondering what to put to bring it all together ya know
local Idle1 = game.Workspace.Animations:WaitForChild("DefaultAnims"):WaitForChild("idle"):WaitForChild("Idle1")
local Idle2 = game.Workspace.Animations:WaitForChild("DefaultAnims"):WaitForChild("idle"):WaitForChild("Idle2")
local Idle3 = game.Workspace.Animations:WaitForChild("DefaultAnims"):WaitForChild("idle"):WaitForChild("Idle3")
Idle1.Weight.Value = 9
Idle2.Weight.Value = 1
Idle3.Weight.Value = 1
local animControllerBlackSmith = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Blacksmith"):WaitForChild("AnimationController")
local Idle1Track = animControllerBlackSmith:LoadAnimation(Idle1)
local Idle2Track = animControllerBlackSmith:LoadAnimation(Idle2)
local Idle3Track = animControllerBlackSmith:LoadAnimation(Idle3)
Idle1Track:Play() ------ something here I need to do?