How would i make this game more polished / fun

Hi, my game has been getting players recently but i feel like it doesnt look that good, i want to make it more fun. So i’d like to ask what could i do to make it look better / make the gameplay better

link : Roblox but you get +1 Strength every Second


I would say a way to upgrade your speed. Nice game too btw

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I think it is a classic game. Maybe clarify how to get points (although maybe it is obvious it’s through pvp)? Maybe there could be like areas with different beasts (other than the boss) that have different strengths and the stronger the beast the more points you get?


Ok i’ve played your game and i have few advices and tips for you.

  1. You need to fix this little problem in your CombatSystem:222

  1. Second you can reposition the Donation board and make it more interesting like adding a better background or a frame perhaps. My advice is check out the Donation games for ideas and how they do it.

  1. This circle is spossed to be neon and interesting you should change its color it looks invisible.


  1. Animations looks fine for now but you need to work on that.

  2. As a Game Designer and Developer i should say you need to revise map design and assets like trees. They look so blocky you can try to make more “Low poly” and less cubby.

  3. Last but at least GUI i am a new UI designer as well i think you can add backgrounds to Frames or Buttons like in the game called "Evade" by " Hexagon Development Community" i think if you do this your game will improve really much in quality.

Other than that game is mainly focused on scripts and systems i think it has potential.

I hope this helped you out. Stay safe :white_check_mark:
note:I’ve forgot to reply to you so i’ve deleted the orginal post and repost this my bad.

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Thanks, i will try to improve my game as much as i can. The script is very messy cause i didnt know people would play the game. I’m going to rewrite it and add/fix the stuff you suggested! :), Helps alot!

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Always be efficient and organized with your scripts!

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