How would I make this kind of camera effect or idk the name?

  1. What do you want to achieve? So I want to get a blurry kind of view that gets the low polly meshes ultra high quality

  2. What is the issue? I just have no idea how to do it or how it works

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far? I dont understand how its posibble

pls dont get my account removed idk if this is copyrighted or something

I would recommend for the blurring, looking up how to make motion blur, if you want to be able to see the body youll need to change the LocalTransparencyModifier property

yes but that blur seems kind of different its not like a blur but yeah idk how to explain that. This thing was also used in the “HeadOn - Body Cam Shooter Game”

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Hmm yes I can see that now, I dont think there is much way to get it exactly like that, you could probably try goofing around with some kind of Gui, like a billboard gui and try to create a similar effect, how to do that I wouldnt know, but it may be possible

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I literally cant seem to get that kind of effect in any way. Something just doesnt make this thing work. I even tried a retro module to give it a pixelation effect so it look something like this then Surface guis, proximty prompts etc. didnt work. Please Im beggin :sob:

anyone any idea like any any any?

Anyone have a idea how would I make that camera effect? “Realism” kind of thing plss help

Can anyone help?

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