is it possible to make on the studio? and how could it be made on blender ? i like how the paper is flowing if that makes sense
There will always be a limit to how thin a Part can be, .05 to be exact. MeshPart on the other hand has a property called DoubleSided which allows you to go perfectly flat if you wanted to. Getting the curve you are talking about with CSG Parts/Unions will be a lot harder than doing it in Blender for example. If you want this picture perfect I think a third party software is the best option, for now.
thanks. do you have any idea how i can capture that on blender? and also for the double sided, is it just to help glitched meshes or an actual tool ? what does it do to enhance the mesh
If you are talking about creating the model or rendering it, there are plenty of basic tutorials on YouTube. What you need isn’t too advanced so you should be able to create this pretty early on.
And for DoubleSided, it’s a property of MeshPart (Off by default, so it will require you to toggle it.).
When you create an object in Blender, the “faces” that make up your model are facing a certain direction.
In some cases like a tree, you want your texture to be visible from both directions, otherwise your leaves wouldn’t be visible from one side.
DoubleSided basically takes that textured face, makes a copy and inverts the normals.
This article on will show you what I mean with this:
It will take your piece of paper, that you would only have to model on one side, and make sure it will be visible from both angles. Effectively making it perfectly flat. (After you have toggled DoubleSided in Studio.)
There are plenty of help articles on the Blender website and forum for how to get started, in case you have any questions about how you could go about making this object/render.
Good luck.
ohh i see! thanks for the help.
Decals are pretty epic too. You could use those
Not sure if you’re still looking for a way to model this, but here’s how I would make that in Blender:
I deleted everything and added a plane which I scaled on one axis, then in edit mode I used the knife tool (k) to cut these edges along the bottom left corner.
After that, I bent each edge upwards. I did this in edge mode using normal orientation and the active edge of the pivot point, but you could get the same look by just moving each edge upwards and inwards.
Smooth shading keeps those edges from being noticeable, and I also added a solidify modifier to give it a tiny bit of thickness.
Putting text on a mesh like this could potentially be a bit hard, but it could be achieved with a surfacegui on a separate part as long as the text doesn’t go near the curved area. Using a decal as the textureId would also work. Here’s the blend file:Sheet of Paper.blend (552.5 KB)
thanks for the tutorial!! i knew it would be easy to do on blender but i wasnt sure how to do it.