How would I make this more "horror like"?

How is this?


The suggestions I am getting is really helping me, thank you all!

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wow it looks great! the blood stain on the sign makes it look really spoopy

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Yes, I am really happy that the blood stain went behind the text, and sometimes a bit over. Makes it spoopy and readable at the same time.

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I’d make the whole ambient a lot darker and remove some of the lights. I would also add rust to some objects and/or rust coming out of the ceiling. Add some vegetation to the ground like the concrete is cracked and grass is growing through it.

That’s what I would do to give the thing a horror-feel.

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What I meant by corrupted walls is like dents, broken pieces, etc. However, that decal works great too!

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Great ideas! I will definetely be adding them, I must ask what do you mean by rust coming out of the cieling? I dont see why there would be any?

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This is a very bad example, but something like this coming down from the wall?

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Oh yes, that is already coming down from the wall, but its more grime then rust. Anyways, here is some weeds and cracks in the ground.

If you want to check it out here, It wont be called that by the way!

That’s amazing. You should mix up the colors of the bricks to give it a more worn out effect. (Darken and lighten some of the bricks.)

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I will definetely try that. Great suggestion

Oh and by the way, I added a flashlight do you think I should keep the light or get rid of it now a flashlight is involved?

Great! And the rust, I meant like grime and stuff. I just didn’t know the right word. lol

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I decided to get rid of the light as without it gives more of a sense of adventure.


Sense you’re going for an abandoned tunnel, make there be hanging dim lights around the tunnel, some broken and some flickering, though still dark.

Also maybe at one end a part of a destroyed subway with a skeleton inside it, maybe a note with something scary in the skeleton.

those parts between the train tracks that hold the structure together, cracks on those would look cool, as well as some of them fallen on the area around it (unanchored). As well as broken tracks, and maybe along side the walls random newspaper boxes, phone boxes, stuff like that being knocked over, out of place, and scuffed up.

The blood may get your game restricted, so don’t take chances on that, but it would be scary if every few X minutes, a scream, random deep pitched noise, engines failing to start, crashes/explosions (like if a plane hit the ground and exploded), banging, stuff like that played on audio.
Rust, grime, dust/dirt, etc.

Hope these help for ideas.

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This really sparked some creativity! I will definetely be adding most of these things and I will try to send screenshots of the additions.

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Ok, btw these are just ideas, its quite intermediate lol

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I think I should always take everyones ideas into consideration, if you put the time in to just comment I feel like you should. And I think they are good ideas as well.

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