How would I make this room look like outer space?

I want to make this room look “bigger on the inside.” I have a long hallway with doors that lead to different themed rooms. For this one, when you walk inside, it just looks like a black room. I’ve tried texturing the walls, but the result is quite ugly. What do you think is the best way to go about making it look like you walk into an endless space (with stars and such)?


I’d recommend making the walls into smooth plastic and then to set the reflectance property to 1. Then change your sky to a night or a space sky and the wall will essentially take the texture of the sky.
Hope this helps!


You may have varying degrees of success with this as it seems the resolution of the skybox reflection is unfortunately disgusting.


Thanks for the tips! I ended up making a hollow sphere by union-ing two Ball parts together, and i textured the inside to look like stars:


More neon usage would be amazing for outerspace ambients. Just like how you did it’s looking great.

You can use this great component made by @ITBV to make your skyboxes look more immersive.
You could make those black walls transparent and add some sort of galactic background.

Use skyboxes that reflect what you want and try playing around with the transparency/reflectance of the walls

In addition, you could add another ball layer around it with more stars (to represent stars in the distance). :slight_smile:

I’d try not to use too much neon and/or lights since I’d want the user to focus on the skybox. Lights could be quite distracting, just a personal opinion. :grin: