How would I make this spiral effect with a proximity prompt?

Hi! So I want to make my proximity prompt look like this:

I basically want it to have that “spiral” effect where an outline goes around the circle. Also just so you know the reason this is in scripting support is because I’m pretty sure this is some kinda script. Anyways, here’s what my current proximity prompt is:

  • Proximity prompt with style set to Custom, a billboard gui parented to it

If anyone knows how I can achieve this effect, please respond ASAP!

That’s a radial “loading bar”.
This should help you out:

I’m not familiar enough with proxprompts, so sadly this is all I can do to help you out.
Shouldn’t be too difficult to integrate this though.
If I were you, I’d look into ProximityPrompt.PromptButtonHoldBegan and ProximityPrompt.PromptButtonHoldEnded.

If you’re curious about how a radial loading bar works, I can break it down for you. I’ve designed something like this in the past.

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