How would I make this? (VIDEO)

How would I make something similar in the video? It does an animation, and then once its done it zooms into the GUI. I’m really confused and I don’t know how this could be replicated. If someone could help it would be massively appreciated. :+1:


You could accomplish this by creating an animation for the player sitting down and setting the camera’s CFrame to be the same as the head’s CFrame. Once the animation is complete, it is just a matter of tweening the camera’s CFrame to the desired position to get an ideal view of the GUI.


I tried, but when i try to play the animation it just makes me fall of the map and die. I don’t know how.

Since the animation would put the player into a static position (sitting at a desk), you can anchor the HumanoidRootPart and then play the animation to avoid falling out of the map.

You can do this by creating a bunch of CFrameValues and putting them in a folder that you loop through using a for loop to tween the player’s camera to each CFrameValue’s position

Can you give an example of that? Im kind of confused.

Something like this:

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local CameraTweenInfo =

local CFrameValues = -- put the path to ur folder of cframe values here

repeat task.wait()
	workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
until workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

for _, CFrameValue in pairs(CFrameValues:GetChildren()) do
	local Tween = TweenService:Create(workspace.CurrentCamera, CameraTweenInfo, {CFrame = CFrameValue.Value})
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Alright, I’m gonna try that tomorrow and see if it works. Thank you for the example!

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You could either look into inverse kinematics or make an animation of the player sitting down. Then when they do sit down it zooms the camera into the computer

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It works, but it only plays when I click Current: server in roblox studio, How would I make it Play on the client (im assuming) please help. I know it’s probably something with remote events.

Put it in a LocalScript and connect a .Touched event to a part to trigger it like in the video

I made it, but it just looks really choppy, i want a really smooth one. Is there any way how?

can you show the code ur using and send a video of what it looks like

I’ll try making a video, sorry for being late