How would I make transitioning animations smooth like Funky Friday?

Most of you have probably tried Funky Friday. As you play, the animation transitions into the next completely smoothly. How would I achieve this in my game? It doesn’t need to be super fast like Funky Friday but I’m wondering how they made it so smooth.

And no, I’m not making a fnf knock off.

I really need to know how to do this.

You either could make an in between state that play at the end of one animation when it moves to another, or you could save the position that the animation left off of, and lerp that position with the starting position of another animation, that is how most developers do it, or you could just not do and make the frame rate of the animations very low to match with the snap between each animation. If you are going to do the lerp / tween thing, I’m not really the person to help, I have a small idea on how to actually implement it, but if you tried you could probably do it.

Check this thread out, I had the same question too. Got me wondering for like three days. However, I never tried the solution given at my post yet, I am focusing on another aspect of my game. You could try it out if you want. If you do, please share me the results!