How would I make VR hand collisions? I just now started scripting on VR and it’s all new to me, I have the movement system done. The hands follow the controllers and they have no animations yet but the real issue is that I need VR hand collisions, The only thing I’ve gotten so far is the AlignPosition and the AlignOrientation but the collisions do not work. I don’t want to climb with the hands I just want the hands to interact with other physics objects.
the grey transparent box is the hitbox otherwise the collision surface I am trying to work, the hands are inside the hitbox welded to each other. You can see that there is attachments, one in the hitbox (attachment0) one in the hand (attachment1). These attachments are for the Hand Collisions but they don’t seem to work. Here are the settings for both the AlignPos and AlignOri
I have no idea how to get the result I need but all help will be appreciated!
(DEVICE: Quest 2)