I am using Atrazine’s guide on lowering network usage in RTS games. Some of the things he does is not render the units on the server and CFraming the units.
I am trying to replicate how he moves his units. Using his method, he uses a heightmap to get and move units along the y-axis. I don’t know how I would make a heightmap and so I am currently using raycasts.
The problem arises that I am using two raycasts per unit per second. This adds up as each unit is grouped into regiments.
Is there any other method I can use that still involves CFraming the units (on the client side) while still have the units be able to react to height changes that is scalable to 1000 or so units?
I should note that raycasts don’t fire while a unit is moving. The beginning of a round is going to be resource intensive as all the players are moving their units.
You’ve been awfully quiet, and I can’t find the ‘RE’ So I’ll just repost the code:
local meanpoint = Vector2.new(0,0) -- the X and Z for the middle of all the raycasting
local castsize = Vector2.new(100,100) -- the X and Z sizes for all the raycasting
local castdistance = 0.1 -- the distance between each raycast
local castheight = 1000 -- the distance up for the raycast
local castdist = 3000 -- the distance downard for the raycast
castsize += Vector2.new(castdistance,castdistance) -- for reasons
local half = castsize/2
local start = meanpoint - half
local endpoint = meanpoint + half
local factor = 1/castdistance
local raycasttable = {}
local xdif = -start.X
local zdif = -start.Y
-- NOTE: with the current size, it will take about 1/4 minute, and this is for 100 by 100 studs, so be aware of the time of this code
for x = start.X, endpoint.X, castdistance do
task.wait() -- give it a little break between each couple raycasts or if your size is less than 2048*2048, then you can probably omit this, it just might take a while
inner = {}
table.insert(raycasttable, inner)
for z = start.Y, endpoint.Y, castdistance do
local zindex
local params = RaycastParams.new()
params.IgnoreWater = false
params.RespectCanCollide = true -- if this wasn't on, then your characters might be walking on untouchable parts
local result = workspace:Raycast( -- raycast of course
Vector3.new(x, castheight, z),
Vector3.new(0, -castdist, 0),
if not result then continue end
table.insert(inner, result.Position.Y) -- set the y
local function gety(x,z) -- so we know the distance is castdistance
local exactx = math.round(x*factor)/factor
local exactz = math.round(z*factor)/factor
local xindex = math.round((exactx+xdif)*factor + 1)
local zindex = math.round((exactz+zdif)*factor + 1)
local y = raycasttable[xindex][zindex]
-- if you wanted you could add something to smooth it out
return y
local randompartpos = Vector3.new(-17.9,0,-50)
local y = gety(randompartpos.X, randompartpos.Z)