I am trying to make an animated ocean. I am doing this by moving a large part with the player wherever they go. This allows me to add an animated texture to give the appearance that the water is moving.
Although when the character is stationary, the water animation looks perfect, when the character starts moving it hinders this effect. This is because as the part moves with the player, so does the texture on top of it making it look very strange.
See video:
what im trying to achieve:
To counteract this I know I need to offset the texture depending on where the character has moved to but that is where I am struggling, would anyone have any ideas?
This is my code so far:
local newWaterTexture = waterTexture:Clone()
newWaterTexture.Parent = workspace
local textureOffset = newWaterTexture.TextureOffset
local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local floorPos = 52
local foreOffsetU = Instance.new("NumberValue")
local foreOffsetV = Instance.new("NumberValue")
local foreTexture = newWaterTexture:WaitForChild("Texture")
local backTexture = newWaterTexture:WaitForChild("BackTexture")
newWaterTexture.Position = Vector3.new(rootPart.Position.X,floorPos,rootPart.Position.Z)
local previousPos = newWaterTexture.Position
newWaterTexture.Position = Vector3.new(rootPart.Position.X,floorPos,rootPart.Position.Z)
--trying to calculate offset due to movement here
local offsetX = previousPos.X - rootPart.Position.X
local offsetZ = previousPos.Z - rootPart.Position.Z
previousPos = newWaterTexture.Position
foreTexture.OffsetStudsU = foreOffsetU.Value - offsetX
foreTexture.OffsetStudsV = foreOffsetV.Value - offsetZ
local foreTween1 = tweenService:Create(foreOffsetU,tweenInfo1,{Value = 50})
local foreTween2 = tweenService:Create(foreOffsetV,tweenInfo1,{Value = 50})
local foreTween3 = tweenService:Create(foreOffsetU,tweenInfo1,{Value = 0})
local foreTween4 = tweenService:Create(foreOffsetV,tweenInfo1,{Value = 0})
local backTween1 = tweenService:Create(backTexture,tweenInfo1,{OffsetStudsU = -50})
local backTween2 = tweenService:Create(backTexture,tweenInfo1,{OffsetStudsV = -50})
local backTween3 = tweenService:Create(backTexture,tweenInfo1,{OffsetStudsU = 0})
local backTween4 = tweenService:Create(backTexture,tweenInfo1,{OffsetStudsV = 0})
--playing the tweens below